Saturday, May 29, 2004

WW weigh-in

Did good this week! Lost 3.6 pounds! Yay for me!!! I also lost my 10%, and received my keychain. Another .6 pounds, and I'll have lost 25 pounds, and should (i think), receive my 25 pound magnet!

Total to date : 38 pounds!!!

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!

Friday, May 28, 2004


Yay!!! Its Friday!!!

A very yucky day, with downpours just ending about a 1/2 hr ago. A good day to snuggle in bed, and nap all day long. Sounds good, but isn't happening around here.

I've been in an extremely crappy mood lately. Seems as if things can't get any worse, and then they do! I know its mostly due to my hormones, but hell, I just want a nice normal week, if there's such thing. We've gone from Matt cutting Molly's hair, to her locking my keys in the van yesterday, to Ryan breaking his glasses, and then Molly "hiding" the lense! A 2 hour search followed that, with me grilling her as to where she put it! She led me to the front yard, into the bushes, over the neighbors fence, in the back yard, in the livingroom, as well as all the bedrooms, the kitchen, the basement, the car.... and just couldn't "remember" where she put it! I was frantic, because I just needed the lenses. His glasses were still under warranty which was good, but I needed BOTH lenses in order to get his glasses pronto! I finally had about given up, it was 8:30 pm, and I went to scrape off the dinner dishes, and found the lense in the garbage! Thank god I looked there! Problem solved. We went up to the mall this morning, where they were able to put the lenses in a new frame. Of course, we got back too late for Ryan to get anything out of school, so I'm keeping him home.

Now , I just need to get through work, and then we're going swimming at the Y. Should be fun, and maybe a stress reliever for me!

Then I need to deal with the biological asshole tomorrow, and weigh-in @ WW. I think I've probably gained this week, again, due to bloating, but I've been really good this week with my points! We'll see. I realized, this week, after doing WW for over 3 months that I've been calculating popcorn wrong. I thought I calculated right for the "regular" popcorn, and I did, but I was counting the points for the serving size, and it turns out it was for 1 cup.... so needless to say, the whole bag is 12 points! Not making that mistake again. lol

I've been feeling very alone this week, can't write too much here, but I'm sure I'll snap out of my funk soon.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

More than half way...

.....through the week! It feels like this week is dragging! Soon enough, hopefully, it'll be Friday! And then a 3 day weekend! Yay!!!

Ryan's concert was tonight, and he did great! He has such a cute voice, although I know in a few years its going to be changing.... my baby's growing up! Seems like just yesterday he was born, but isn't that always the way?

Well, I'm definitely not pregnant, if you know what I mean. Not that I was really expecting to be, but one never knows. lol This rash is still hanging around. My Mom suggested it might be from the new meds I'm taking. I'm going to have to check with the Dr. on that one.

Last night I ended up having to go pick Chris up from work. He works about 45 minutes away, and we left the house at 8:45! Obviously the kids came along, and we didn't get home till 10:30!! Due to that fact, I was actually 10 points under for the day (WW). Turns out it was only his battery (his car wouldn't start), so thank goodness we're not out alot of money!

The kids informed me today that there are only 16 days left of school... I can't wait! Lazy days of summer, here we come!

Anyway, not much going on around here... trying to get my exercise in, and drink water since my swollen ankles are back. I'm crossing my fingers that I have a good weigh-in this week.

Hope everyone has a good night!

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I'm a grump

I'm so grumpy today. Just felt not right. Matthew cut Molly's hair yesterday with a pair of kid scissors, pissed me off on that one. Thankfully, its underneath, but still, he cut it close to her head.... a good 4 inches off!

I think I'm pms'ing. I'm not crampy or anything, but just very,very tired, and kinda achy.... in my entire body. My face and back and chest have broken out in these tiny red bumps that itch. So annoying. My face feels like its on fire. I don't know.

I would almost wonder if I was pregnant, except Chris was fixed a few months before Molly was born. lol

I don't know whats wrong with me... maybe I need to go to bed early tonight.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Tornados and shit

We got a couple of bad thunderstorms last night and actually had a tornado warning!! I know they're very common in the midwest, but here in the northeast, they aren't. The last time we even had a watch or warning was probably 4 or 5 years ago. Needless to say, it course freaked us out a bit! One didn't end up materializing, but it definitely put us on the edge of our seats!

In other news, the "biological asshole", is really starting to pull alot of shit. Our agreement says he gets the kids from 9 am Saturday morning, until 3 pm. Well, this past Saturday, I was keeping an eye on the clock, as I always do, and he didn't bring them home till almost 3:10! While this doesn't seem like such a big deal, he knows to have them back by 3 on the dot. My heart was racing. Palms were sweaty. I was so afraid he wasn't bringing them back at all. He had taken Ryan when he was 8 months old, and took off with him for a day. He had taken him to his parents house, but the police wouldn't do anything to get him back, and when I tried calling his mother would hang up the phone on me. The only reason why I was able to get him, was because his father had told me to come the next day, and didn't tell anyone about it. So, I know that was a long time ago, but I just don't trust the guy. I asked him what happened. He blamed it on traffic. I told him its his adult responsibility to leave a few minutes early IN CASE of traffic. He also had missed Emilie's concert, and said "something came up". The asshole won't ever change. Anyway, he ended up blowing up at me! Screaming at me in my front yard in front of the kids, telling me how he was sick of my shit, and if I didn't like it, I could bring him to court. I can't WAIT till these kids are 18 yrs old , and I don't have to deal with him anymore!

Otherwise, not a very eventful couple of days. I played hookie from work this afternoon! Had my CAT scan this morning, and everything looks good. I was supposed to get tubes in my ears after my scan appt. but there wasnn't any fluid behind my eardrum, so he put me on new meds, and referred me to an allergist. I joked with him that I'd see him the next time my ears plugged up!

OK, I've been writing again, way too long, so hope everyone has a great day!

Saturday, May 22, 2004

WW weigh-in

Not a good week. I gained. 1.4 pounds. I still don't know where I went wrong... maybe ate too little, maybe ate too much. Especially considering the chocolate last Sunday. I know I can't beat myself up about it, but I was SO CLOSE to my 10% goal. I need to go over my journal, and see how I can do things differently this week, and just take my gain in stride. I've been reading the WW boards, and think i might have been eating too little, but I'm going to be extra viligent to get my water, exercise, and points in every day. I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

WW weigh-in

Not a good week. I gained. 1.4 pounds. I still don't know where I went wrong... maybe ate too little, maybe ate too much. Especially considering the chocolate last Sunday. I know I can't beat myself up about it, but I was SO CLOSE to my 10% goal. I need to go over my journal, and see how I can do things differently this week, and just take my gain in stride. I've been reading the WW boards, and think i might have been eating too little, but I'm going to be extra viligent to get my water, exercise, and points in every day. I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Busy 'round here

This week has been crazy!

Emilie had her concert on Wednesday night - " Proud to be American". It was of course adorable. 120 3rd graders singing their little hearts out! Emilie did great!

Yesterday was nonstop. Work, WW(with sister), Dr's office, pick up Molly, come home, go to work. My sister did treat me out to lunch though. A lobster roll. Yummy! Butter on the side.. and I only drizzled a tiny bit on. Its one of those foods thats "sinful", yet actually good for you! We figured it at being only 5 points.

Yesterday afternoon after work, Emilie went to a friends house, Ryan played his gameboy QUIETLY, Matt fell asleep at 6:30!, and stayed asleep all night, and Molly played on the patio. It was the first time in a long time, I can remember total peace in our household! Usually its so chaotic, with everyone wanting or needing to do something different, that I beg for bedtime to come sooner rather than later! LOL IT WAS SOOOO NICE!

I'm really nervous about my WW weigh-in tomorrow. I only want to lose my .8 to make it to my 10% goal, and my luck, I'll have gained. Or maybe just lose .4!

Today, I really needed to go for a walk, but after spending $100 at wal-mart, I just want to relax for awhile. I haven't been online in almost 2 days, so I figured it was time for me to catch up.

Not sure if anyone is yet reading this, besides Steph and Liz, and I didn't have a chance to let anyone know where my new home would be (from my old blog), so if you don't mind, drop me a quick Hi!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Serving sizes?

I want to know who the heck came up with serving sizes??!!!??? I'm sorry, but its just not right! Only 1 cup of pasta is one serving. If its measured out, it really surprises ya. Its not much. Certainly not enough to fill up my tummy regardless if I'm overweight or not. Nevermind the fact that in WW points, its 4 points. Hardly worth it. Especially since I feel the need to pair it with a slice of texas toast(4pts!) I suppose if I really wanted to make it a fulfilling meal, I could have added a salad to round it out. I'm taking a break from salad today though. I like salad enough, but feel like a rabbit if I eat it too much! lol Anyway, I could have had more pasta, but didn't want to waste my points on it.. and I still have 8 points left for the day! I ate the head off of a chocolate bunny left over from Easter (on Sunday), so I'm trying to correct my mistake! ;) I don't even want to know how many pts it was!

I'm headed out to Emilie's third grade musical, which should be alot of fun, so I hope if anyone is reading this, they have a great night!

Monday, May 17, 2004

Way too long.....

Only 5 WEEKS left of school! I think so anyway.. maybe I should check the calendar on that one. Too long. Yet not long enough. I want school to end, cause then no more 5:30 am wake-up calls. But, there also won't be a paycheck either. I will get unemployment for the summer, but it'll be less than 1/2 my regular pay. Whatcha gonna do though.... I'm able to stay at home with my kids, not pay a sitter, and go to the beach. It COULD be worse!

In other news, my recent weigh-in has boosted my confidence big time! I did have a difficult time with eating yesterday though.... we invited my Brother and SIL for dinner. I cooked out on the grill, and made some shrimp kabobs, thinking that would keep me away from the hot dogs and hamburgers. It didn't. I made a simple but delicious macaroni salad, and ate too much. I need to figure out a way to stay away from the high fat/high calorie picnic foods, so that I can make it through this summer. I also noticed today, that I can see my collarbone! I've been able to see it before, and have known it was there, but I REALLY noticed it today! Pretty cool!

I took my walk this morning around the neighborhood... legs and calfs still burning big time, and I've drank so much water,coffee,ice tea.... that I've had to pee at least a dozen times this morning! My bladder isn't the strongest to begin with, after having 4 kids, but throw in some extra fluids, and it starts running right through me! I guess that probably is a good thing though! LOL

Hope if anyone is yet reading this, that a wonderful week is had by all!

Friday, May 14, 2004

Well... seems to be working, but I have no clue what the fuck I'm doing!! LOL I need help!!!

Working yet?

I truly have no clue what I'm doing lets see if this works!