Saturday, April 30, 2005

Healthy Kids Day!

Today I'm taking the kids to the annual Healthy Kids Day at the YMCA. Its totally free, which is awesome, and there will be music and free healthy foods along with the child I.D. system to update the kids on. With all the focus these days on child obesity I think its awesome that the Y puts on something like this. My kids, even though I'm overweight, do eat healthy for the most part, but its easy in today's society of Mcdonalds and soda and unhealthy foods in schools to end up having an overweight child. I'm thankful that I've changed my eating habits when I have, which encourages my kids to make healthier choices in and out of our home. Every kid loves candy and cookies and my kids do eat them. I typically buy them a "treat" once a week, usually candy or gum. I also buy one package of cookies when I do the weekly grocery shopping. I'm a firm believer in not denying my kids these things. When I was a child my Mom didn't buy unhealthy foods, and thats not a bad thing. But it only made me want them more. I think thats how I became overweight. I was a slim child but once I had my own money, thats all I would buy. Junk. I'm trying to avoid that with my kids.

So today should be a fun day. Crazy, but fun. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Chickenpox War

So, as I had written in my post before, Matt has had chickenpox. He woke up Sunday morning, with them, and they haven't been too bad. They've even been scabbing up really fast. Obviously I've still needed to keep him home from school, and in the meantime, unless my Mom has come over or Chris has been home, I've been missing work. Not a big deal in itself except we just had spring break last week and I collect unemployment during school breaks. This week I've had no compensation for missing work. But its one of those things that must be done.

Yesterday I went over his entire body to check to make sure no new spots have cropped up and that all the spots that are there have crusted over. I noticed all the spots are healing and decided that I'd send him to school today. And instead of letting him get off the bus, I finished my run and brought him to school myself. I brought him in the nurses' office to be checked out before going to his class, and she took one look at his face and told me point blank..."these aren't crusted over". WTF?!??!?! Do they need to look a special way? He had 2 on his face and they were bigger, where the majority on his body were smaller. They were still red, but obviously had scabs on them! They weren't oozing anything remotely disgusting and were completely dry. So then I asked her what they need to look like and she tells me they need to look like the ones on his neck, which are only about 1/5 the size of the ones on his face!

Then I brought up the letter. When I called the school on Monday to let them know Matt wasn't coming in because he had chickenpox, a nurse had called me back an hour later to tell me that he needed a letter from the Dr. letting them know he had chickenpox. I had already called the Dr. office that morning and talked to a nurse, and she told me there was no need to see him, but that it sounded like chickenpox and to keep him home till they healed. But now the school was telling me I needed a letter to give to them. I guess some Dr. offices don't need to see a child to write a letter diagnosing something but the kids pediatrician does.(which makes sense to me) So I needed to make an appt. and bring Matt in, just for them to look at the spots and tell me what I already knew. Oh, and fork over the $30 co-pay for the letter!

So, back to the nurses' office at the school. I told her that I had needed to bring Matt in and pay the co-pay just for the letter. And I wanted to know exactly why the school needed the letter in the first place. And by this point I was furious, and had started to cry (I hate that!) The nurse got down really close to my face and started talking real slow telling me that chickenpox was a communitable (sp?) disease and they needed the letter because of that. Then continues to tell me that Matt can't stay at school because the ones on his face aren't healed and that there's a child in the school with leukemia that could die if he gets it. While I understand that obviously the school needs to err on the side of caution because of the sick child, she didn't need to talk to me like I was a fricken child! And I told her that I felt she was talking down to me, in which she told me she just wanted to explain. I told her I didn't need an explanation, that I did indeed understand. But, I was confused what the spots were supposed to look like since the ones on his face looked crusted over to me!

I was pissed, people! How dare she talk down to me that way? I felt totally inadequate as a mother and then she made me feel stupid on top of it! This is only Matt's second year in this school and I can tell its going to be a long 4 years for me...dealing with her. She is constantly calling me because of Matt. About a month ago, she called me up to tell me that Matt had a stomachache and then she let him take a nap! Last year while the regular sore throat stuff was going around, she called me three times in one week! I had already brought him to the Dr and he didn't have strep, he didn't have a fever, yet she continued to call me! Now I understand that its better to be on the safe side, and no offense to my own child, but the kid knows how to manipulate adults. If he wants to be home for some reason, he knows all he has to do is go to the nurses' office and they'll call me to pick him up.

I don't know whats been wrong with me lately. I've been crying at the drop of a hat, and don't think I'm pms'ing. I feel like I'm not a worthy person, and a far from good enough mother. And btw, I did end up leaving Matthew at school. The nurse covered the two on his face with two huge bandaids! Don't know if she let him stay because I was putting up a big stink or if she knew I was right.

When I got home this morning, I called the Dr. office. They explained to me what the spots are supposed to look like and told me that , yes, they had needed to see Matthew to give a written diagnosis. So HA, NURSE LADY..... I WAS RIGHT AND YOU WERE WRONG!

In the meantime, the nurses probably think I'm the mother from hell. But dammit, I'm so sick of all the shit with them.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Forgot to mention

Off subject, but because I'd been messing with trying to post wedding pics I almost forgot. Matt has chickenpox! Even with the vaccine he got them. A very mild case although its still extending his and my vacation by a few days! Its kinda nice though to recover from last week and all the wedding stuff.

Speaking of the wedding, there will be more stories to come!

Jen's Wedding!

It was just beautiful! Of course, it literally poured all day long, but I know rain is supposed to be good luck, so its ok. Jen was sooo nervous, but so gorgeous! Lisa and I had spend hours the day before setting up the few things at the hall that Jen wanted "just right". The ceremony went off without a hitch... the groom didn't puke/pass out/take off....which was a good thing! LOL The ring bearer and flowergirl...who happened to be my Miss Molly and my nephew Russell did wonderfully! I didn't forget to adjust Jen's gown, which was my major worry, and Roman managed to say "I do" without thinking about it! I did cry, which isn't a bad thing, because I was soo soo happy for them!

The reception was great. The courses came out a bit too slow.......fruit with mango sauce, salad, pasta, sorbet with champagne and then the main course, which was either filet mignon, duck, or salmon. As soon as we were done eating the dancing began! Oh, and I was stressing majorly about a speech, and got thrown a little when they announced I was saying it first, since I didn't have anything planned, but I think I made sense! At times everyone was on the dance floor and the majority of the time the floor was packed. We had "props" passed out.... hats, shakers, glow necklaces... it was great! The chocolate extravaganza was revealed and everyone was too stuffed to eat it, but it was a sight to see! Tons and tons of desserts, along with a chocolate fountain with strawberries, oreos, marshmallows and pretzels. Along with the open bar...can't beat it! lol

It was alot of fun...and yesterday they headed off to California, Las Vegas, and Hawaii for their honeymoon. (Oh, and I think I looked darn good myself! ;)

More pictures to come, if I've even posted them correctly! lol

Originally uploaded by amyx7620.

Originally uploaded by amyx7620.

Originally uploaded by amyx7620.

Originally uploaded by amyx7620.

Originally uploaded by amyx7620.
The Wedding Party.... look how happy we all look!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

only 2 more days!!

I'm so excited for my sister, Jen! Two more days and she'll be married. I've been so busy lately, I haven't been to bed the last three nights before 3 AM!! Making the favors, making bows since I'm lucky enough to know how. Helping Jen shop for her honeymoon since she's so overwhelmed by now. Fielding calls from family members, since she's so stressed.

I still have so much to do. I shouldn't even be on the computer right now, but kinda needed a few minutes break from all the running around. I'll be headed up to the reception hall tonight to help set up table centerpieces. I still need to pack my bag for tomorrow night since I'll be staying in a hotel with Jen and Lisa. And I need to pack for the kids for Saturday night since we'll be staying at a hotel near the reception hall after the reception. Still need to buy shoes for the boys and Molly and find something to wear for the rehearsal dinner.

Jen and Roman just a few weeks ago got their engagement pictures taken, and Jen sent me the link to check them out. I bawled my eyes out!! LOL I'm just so happy that they are happy, ya know what I mean? I keep forgetting about one thing that I need to "research" so to speak. I need to give a toast and don't have a clue what to say! I thought about going the "funny" route, but that wouldn't work since I'm not funny. So I'll probably go the "sentimental route", but don't want it to be too sappy, plus I'll cry my eyes out regardless so I'm thinking short and sweet. I don't know, I'll think of something.

Anyway, just wanted to check in...gotta get back to doing my stuff. I probably won't get another chance to post before Saturday so wish me luck that I don't lose a shoe or something!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Not enough time

There just aren't enough hours in the day, thats what it comes down to. I haven't posted since what, Saturday? And no time to do it. This is the first time I've even been on the computer for more than 5 minutes since I think possibly Monday. But I've got quite a bit of catching up to do, so here I go.

Saturday night... the bachelorette party! It was so much fun! I looked totally hot, and Jen looked even hotter. She wore this teal colored shirt, low cut and the whole bottom part of the shirt was see-through. Very tasteful though. I'm hoping for more time to work on the pictures, because I really want to post some. We met up with 4 other girls and almost everyone that I hadn't met already kept commenting how Jen and I look like twins. I take that as a complete compliment because I've always liked how Jen looks, and for people to say that I look like her made me feel so good! We never ended up going to the dance club thats at the casino because Jen was coaxed into drinking too many shots, but we hit the slots for a short while, and I actually won money! $125! I NEVER win money. Never. So I was very excited to see 450 quarters fall out of the slot machine. We stayed at a hotel near the casino and taking the shuttle to the casino at the beginning of the night we ended up riding with a bachelor party. All good looking guys from NYC. On the way back to the hotel (@3:30am!) we were waiting for a taxi and started chatting with a few guys that were also waiting for a taxi and going to the same hotel. They also happened to be there for a bachelor party and came from NYC, but not the same group of guys. We were chitchatting and Jen asked one guy what he did for a living. He was hesitant to say, but finally said he worked for Morgan Stanley. We just left it at that, but the first thing that popped into my mind was that Morgan Stanley was in the World Trade Center. It made me think that in some way he was involved, or had lost some co-workers or something. Since he was so hesitant to say I felt really bad that we had asked. Just very sad. Anyway, that conversation stood out in my mind.

We're coming down to the wire for the wedding. 10 days and counting! My sister is irritable, probably from nerves and stress. Most details are taken care of but this weekend we need to make 400 truffles for the favors so that should be fun. LOL I went to get my dress altered today and it was huge on me! They pinned the front, the sides, the back. Many, many inches. I asked her how many sizes she thought were being taken out, and she guestimated 2 1/2-3 sizes! Thats major! lol It felt so good! Lately I've been getting comments left and right on how I look and while it feels wonderful I almost feel undeserving. I mean, yeah, I look better, I'll admit that, but I don't think I look great. Its a self image thing..... I still see the "old me" with glimpses once in awhile of the "new me".

Until after the 23th my posts will most likely be far and few between, but hopefully I'll be back after all this wedding stuff is over.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Just blabber

Just blabbering today. Quite a few things going on. I had WW today and stayed the same, then brought the kids to the twice-cancelled "rock hunt". It was just for the older kids but they had such a great time! The weather actually cooperated and the kids actually behaved. I ran into a old friend from high school and got to chatting with her. Turns out she has her own business doing scrapbooking parties. As soon as the wedding is over I'm going to have a party. Its been quite awhile since I've done any scrapbooking but I think it would be a good party to have. I can't wait!

Finally after listening to Jack Johnson at Jen's house I picked up his CD. For some odd reason Chris doesn't like it, and I love it, so its been going everywhere with the car, to the tanning salon, and then back into the house when he's not home. I've even got the kids singing along to it. One of his songs.."Better Together" is Jen and Roman's special song. They're even dancing to it at their wedding. Just listening to the words brings tears to my eyes. I'm going to be a sobbing mess at their wedding!

Tonight is the bachelorette party! I'm getting the house all picked up and laundry done so that everything is set when I leave. We're going to the Mohegan Sun and staying at a nearby hotel. Maybe I can win some money on the

I've been getting a little overwhelmed with the expenses for the wedding. I've been trying to do a little at a time, but knowing we only have 2 WEEKS LEFT is putting me a bit over the edge. Can you believe it would cost me almost $100 to get my hair styled ? I still need to get it cut and highlighted too. Dress alterations this Wednesday...another almost $100. Molly's dress, her shoes, and all the other kids' clothes and shoes. Wedding gift and the party tonight. Looks like I'm investing alot into this. Which I don't mind doing in the least except there are so many other things the money could have gone to. Emilie has been very picky about what dress she wants to wear. She wants a long dress. With a full skirt that will "swirl". I thought I hit the jackpot when I found one at Storybook Heirlooms for a good price. Ordered it and we got it yesterday. But...its too big! Pretty soon I'm going to resort to having her wear jeans and a t shirt! lol

Anyway, I'm rambling as usual. I'm on Chris' laptop since our keyboard to the computer crapped out on us and I haven't bought a new one yet. Not used to the whole setup of it. Basically the same, but ya know, still different.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Wanna be me?

I'm sick. Majorly sick with stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing....yuck. And...I'm PMS'ing. Great combo, eh?

I'm bitchy and I can't help it! It sucks, but I'm still hoping to have a kick-ass time this weekend at the casino for Jen's bachelorette party. Me and my cleavage-showing shirt. Even though there's not much left ;)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


I think spring has finally come a'knocking! Its so wonderful to feel the warmth of the sun on my arms. To weed my garden. To watch the kids play in the backyard without mittens on! To have daylight left after work. Makes me feel like singing. Makes me wish there were 36 hours in a day to get done all I need to get done.

Because of the time change, I keep forgetting how late it gets. I didn't feed my kids dinner last night until 7pm, and thats late around here. It'll take awhile to adjust.

Nothing much new around here. As I mentioned I've been weeding out my flower beds in the front yard. All my bulbs are starting to pop out of the ground. My tulips look strange though... not sure if moles or whatnot have eaten some of the bulbs? If they even do that? Or if the bulbs divide? I've got alot more shoots this year than I had last and they're teeny tiny so far. Last year only about half of my bulbs bloomed, but I think I read somewhere that sometimes they skip a year. Its something I'll have to research since I don't know much about perennials. I'd ask for advice, but I know I wouldn't get any ;)

My skin now sports a light golden tan. I tell ya though, I'll never make a habit of going to a tanning salon. It'll be worth it though, not to have white skin while wearing that strapless dress in a few weeks. lol Jen's bachelorette party is this weekend, and her and I are going to shopping tomorrow to find some *sexy* clothes to wear. I'm really looking forward to this weekend....out and about to feel young again, even though technically I still am. Out without the kids! Possibly the deciding factor :)

The kids have been outside so much! Mostly playing in the mud, but hey, whatever works. Its getting harder for them to do their homework, since they can be outside till after dinner.

Oh, and something I forgot to mention. Something I cannot (no matter how much I try) forget. Tomorrow I will be signing Molly up for Kindergarten!! My BABY is going to kindergarten. How unfair is that?? Of course, in some way I'm looking forward to next school year. No more preschool tuition, and I get the whole day, most of the day anyway, to myself. This has been a long time in the making. Although I've had some free mornings, this will be the first time in 12 years that I'll have 5 days a week with no kids. Don't get me wrong... I love my kids to death, but my Miss Molly in particular, since she's the only one not in full-time school, is a smart little cookie. If she was in kindergarten this year she'd be okay. She's not being challenged enough in preschool, so I know she's totally ready. But am I ready? I'm sure I'll get used to it soon enough. Anyways.......

I'm off to clean the house! Hope everyone is enjoying the sun!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Talent show success

After a very long week with tanning, working out, work, school, etc... Ryan was in a talent show last night! It was going to start at 7 pm and he needed to be there for 6:15. Chris was going to try to make it, although he wasn't sure if he could get out on time, and I had my Mom and sister going as well. Let me tell you though... it was fricken long! Mom and Jen left after the first half...which didn't end till 9pm! I thought it might go till 10 or 10:30 and the kids would stay awake, etc. Not true. We didn't leave there until 11pm! Ryan's act was really cute though. His class did cotton eye joe! So by the end, I had Molly sleeping on my lap, Matthew sleeping in his seat and there was only one of me! Ryan was sitting with his class in the front so with Molly sleeping on me, I couldn't just go down to get him... I had to wait. It wasn't too bad, but by the time I woke up Matthew and got us all out to the car and came home, we were exhausted! Chris didn't even ATTEMPT to come down, which pissed me off and then as soon as I got home, he told me he was going to bed! Sorry about the ongoing paragraph...for some reason I can't skip a line. So that was our day... a very long one, but well worth it. The kids and I woke up late this morning for WW, but managed to get there on time. I'm also actually starting to look tan! I've been going 3 times a week and I can tell that I'm no longer white. Ryan got into trouble again at school and ended up spending all day in the planning room... basically an inschool suspension. For calling a teacher an idiot. I don't condone him calling the teacher that but the punishment seemed a little harsh to me. I mean, its not like he called her a swear or something. He knows he can't act that way, its just the impulse problem. Again, something we're working on. Not much else going on around here. Tonight is the 2nd family dinner and we're going to my brother Russ' house. His wife Cherie doesn't know if they're making something or ordering pizza, but regardless its going to be alot of fun! We'll see if there's more bashing of me again! All good-natured but still kinda annoying. Oh, I found some shoes for the wedding! Strappy sparkling ones. Kinda worried about the strap around the ankle since I tend to swell in the legs and feet, but I think if I can keep my water intake going , that it'll all be ok. And I need to make an appt to get my dress altered. Possibly for next week. Gosh- this wedding stuff is coming up so quick....3 weeks from today! I'm getting so nervous and I'm not even the bride! Okay, enough rambling from me...... hope everyone has a great weekend!