This week has been totally nuts! There's so much I want to write about, but it would seriously amount to a novel! LOL So, I'm just going to give (hopefully) some of the main parts!
- Imagine 130 3rd graders, singing "Wind Beneath My Wings", by Bette Midler (sp?) in SIGN LANGUAGE !!! It was awesome! I can tell you I wasn't the only one crying!
-Had a problem on the bus with a snotty 6th grader. He was making fun of another 6th grader.. a girl who's overweight. This one boy is the instigator in anything that happens on my bus. Earlier in the year, when I had him in the front seat, he had the majority of the 5th and 6th graders wearing t-shirts that read "free Connor" ! And they would chant it the whole ride to and from school! So this week, I wrote him up, put him in the front, and wouldn't sit down. Safety is of course, very important, and when I would ask him to sit, he would flat out refuse! When I told him he needed to respect me, he told me that when I respected HIM, then he would respect me! Little shithead! He got kicked off for today, which of course, is the last day!
-Ran around town all week, picking up presents for teachers, and didn't even have time to work out!
- Didn't do even ONE load of laundry!
-Because of this, I now have "Mount Laundry" in my basement! At least 10-12 loads!
-House looks like a tornado came through it... at least a few times! lol
-Did good on WW this week, although had the work picnic tonight, and had a REAL hotdog! It was SO good! Got a work t-shirt, for an "accident free" year. Big deal. lol
-The "biological asshole" comes tomorrow, unfortunately. He's blown up at me the last 2 weekends, all because I asked him when I'd receive child support again, and asked him what he had planned for the day! I really wish he'd give up his rights!
-I'm pms'ing, and Chris is driving me nuts! It would be nice if he would ask me about MY day, instead of telling me all details about HIS day!
-And I was so excited this morning, for the last day of school, I couldn't sleep, and was up at 5 a.m.!!! Figured while I was up, I could clean the bathroom, pick up the livingroom a bit, and wash some dishes! I know, I'm nuts! lol
-I received lots of loot from the kids who ride my bus today. Lots of good gift certificates, candy, (which I gave all away!), and flowers, and little gifts. They were all so sweet!
-I got all teary-eyed during my middle school run this morning.... my 8th graders were leaving my bus for the last time. They actually wrote me this big card, telling me how much they'd miss me, and how glad they were to have me for a bus driver, and then all signed it! So sweet!
-And now that I've actually written a novel...LOL....I add this one little part.....Schools Out!!!